Recognition to (dis)Abilities by the Investment World?…Well, knock me over!

Sunday evening – June 7, 2015 – Dignity by Design (my company) was notified that it had become a semi-finalist in the Minnesota Cup Competition!!

Dignity by Design

his may not mean so very much to those out of state or globally, but to Minnesota it means a great deal.  And to a company that has dedicated its entirety to disabilities and the independence of the disabled, veteran and elderly…..well, it is unprecedented!!

For years, decades and historically – Disabilities have eluded investors as a non-glamorous, non-high-tech, non-money-making market.  However, with the onset of disabilities hitting the runway in fashion, new technological advances in disease, war aftermath, community inclusion and software (including apps) rising to meet the needs of disabilities – it has become a viable “Social Impact” venture to investors and media worldwide.

It’s about time!

“When we’ve risen to meet the needs of our fellow man/woman – to create an environment that allows for independence, recognition of abilities and respect of worth – as a whole – regardless of ability or disAbility – then, we have truly evolved.”  Donna Freeberg

Thank you MNCup for your recognition.  It is amazing!

MN Cup

MN Cup

Donna Freeberg, President
Dignity by Design – Fashion for all disAbilities